Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So there's this girl...

(please note my transition to Guardian-style non capitalized headlines, I'm a total SFBG groupie)

... named Tavi Gevinson and as far as I can tell she's done not too much besides find mystical access to an endless closet (Lion, Witch and Wardrobe?) of grandma chic and written an addicting little blog about it.  Not so crazy, right?  Sure, the Huffington Post has started reporting on when she goes to fashion shows and now she's being called "the true star" of New York's Fashion Week? Weell... way to be a bloglebrity? (still working on that one.) What's that you say?  Ah. Yes. She's 13.

What were you doing when you were 13? Hanging with Yojhi Yamamoto?

Yes, I know that is probably spelt wrong.

Look at this girl.  How to market yourself, 101. Ridiculous.

I could totally wear that...
thinking, thinking,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And Now Back To Your Normally Scheduled Programming...

Ahhh my little 'Pura Caitlin'... as I sit here eating chunks out of a sweet potato, typing up my article on Latino political agitation silk screens, I reflect on the days I would roll around in your html coding and frustratingly slow image uploads, spouting ad nauseum about... my day. We shall meet again. Someday I will update my blog as much as Strange Maps. In the meantime, how sick is the EU kicking Iceland like a soccer ball? I want most of these maps screen printed by Latino revolutionaries and tacked to my wall.

I luv the Internets...