Here's the link to the web version, although you should check out a copy of the print edition if possible, with photos by my man, Erik Anderson (here's an awesome one of Adelfo Antonio, a Swanton Berry farmworker I profiled, below):
Out of Reach: How the sustainable food movement neglects poor workers and eaters - 12/2/09, SFBG
I was so stoked to be able to report on this topic- I grew up with labor issues in my blood and I've often been frustrated on "sustainability activists" inattention to class issues. Much thanks goes out to my editors at SFBG for giving me the word space. I hope this brings attention to the poorer members of our food system (believe me, as an intern who shops at Rainbow Grocery, I'm definitely one of them!).
On a personal note; yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! This warranted a comment!